Wednesday, May 30, 2012


Geez! I know I said I will blog more often during my holidays but I didn't at the end because I was too busy enjoying my holidays doing nothing and I had to work so after work I will be too tired to blog.

Having this terrible ache today after carrying the trolley to the other outlet and got asked to bring back again. #$%^&*$# But anyway, that is not a big deal though.. Just felt that it was wasted effort.

Anyway, I am super excited! I will be going overseas next week! Yay! Hope it will be a fun and fruitful trip. Will blog the pictures when I come back.

Just to share with you guys the song that keeps me grooving now. Many of you might have heard it before but I DON'T CARE! I am still going to share it! Haha! Oh and I love the song "Payphone" by Tiffany Alvord and Jervy Hou. I know that Jayesslee recently came up with their version as well but I think that it is nothing as compared to Tiffany's. The editing of the sound has so much difference. Enjoy! :D